Design Process

Design Process


Group #10 “Purple Turtle”. It was my first time working in fully international team. All the

team members from all over the world:

  • Bektemir Pratov

  • Philip Hussein

  • Eimante Griniute

  • Franciellen de Carvalho Albuquerque

  1. Define & Discover Phase

In the "Define" stage, designers identify and articulate the problem by understanding user needs, setting design criteria, and establishing project scope. This stage sets a clear, actionable problem statement to guide the design. Following this, the "Discover" stage broadens the designer's understanding through market and user research, technological exploration, trend analysis, and stakeholder feedback. This comprehensive approach ensures that designers are well-equipped with insights and a clear direction as they move forward in the design process, laying a solid foundation for innovation and solution development.

Problem Statement 💢

Problem Statement 💢

Due to abundance of digital games kids between 6-10 experience a problem with lack of outdoor physical activities and interaction with the natural environment during leisure time

Project Design Goal 🥍

Project Design Goal 🥍

Design a competitive game for kids between 6-10 that stimulates their educational and physical growth and can be easily understood and played with parents. The game has to be played outdoors and connected with the natural environment.

Design Brief

  • Initial and Redefined Problem Statement

  • Stakeholders needs and problems

  • 5WH

  • Vision

  • List of Requirenments

  • DESTEP Trend Analysis

Research Report

  • Litterature Review 📕

  • Photo Survey 📸

  • Interview with Target Group 🎙️

  • Fly on the Wall | Observation of user 🦅

  1. Develop Phase

In the ideation stage, designers brainstorm, sketch, and prototype to explore and refine ideas. They seek feedback to improve their concepts, assess feasibility, and narrow down options to the most viable ones. This phase involves creativity and iteration, with detailed documentation of the process for further development.

Diverging · Ideation

Diverging · Ideation

Brain Drawing & SCAMPER

Brain Drawing & SCAMPER

Converging · Selecting

Converging · Selecting

C-Box, Harris Profile & Weighted Objectives

Developing and observing ways to improve the idea

Prototyping One Idea

Concept Theme Change

Changing the idea's theme to meet all requirements

Ergonomics & Usability

Testing and polishing the product

Technical Drawings

Final measurements of the product

  1. Deliver Phase

In the deliver stage of the design process, designers finalize prototypes, refine the design, prepare engineering documentation, and liaise with manufacturers to ensure the design is produced accurately. They also design packaging, create user manuals, ensure regulatory compliance, support market launch activities, and collect feedback. This stage is crucial for transforming design concepts into physical products ready for the market, requiring a close collaboration between designers, engineers, manufacturers, and marketing teams to ensure the product meets all functional, aesthetic, and regulatory requirements before and after its launch.

Price Calculations

& Colors

Logotype & Colors

Project Duration: 4 months

Semester: Basics of IDE

Project Time: H2 2022

Role: Industrial Designer

Engineering the solution, designing the experience

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I welcome new opportunities and connections with open arms. If you're interested in discussing a project, sharing your work, or simply want to introduce yourself, feel free

to get in touch anytime.

@ Pratov Design 2015-2024

Connect & Collab

I welcome new opportunities and connections with open arms. If you're interested in discussing a project, sharing your work, or simply want to introduce yourself, feel free

to get in touch anytime.

@ Pratov Design 2015-2024