Color Outside the Lines, Design Beyond the Box.
The thrill of creating something new and useful is what drives me to apply my skills in a variety of projects. Whether it's designing board games, smartphones concepts, or animated short films, I put my effort to gain unique experience:
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YouTube Monopoly
Strategic board game with famous YouTube bloggers. Fight other bloggers, develop your channel, delight your subscribers with new videos, and expand the boundaries of your territory.
Role: Head Product Designer
Duration: 1 month
Client: Goodbrelok
Dungeons, Dungeons
and More Dungeons
Epic teams play battle games with the magic atmosphere of the Middle Ages. Giant playing field with a whole carton castle, 87 cards of Heroes, Magic, Monsters, and Pets, 16-sided dice, and 5 game modes.
Role: Head Product Designer
Duration: 2 months
Client: MysteryShack
Everyone's beloved classical monopoly game, but in Gravity Falls settings. Plunge into the magical world of secrets and mysteries of a small town in Oregon. Discover new places, upgrade your lands, bargain StanBucks and become the ruler of the mystery city!
Role: Product Designer
Duration: 1.5 months
Client: MysteryShack
Card game for kids with attention disorders, where players try to form the longest word from 25 paired letters. The game features illustrations made with new AI technologies.
Role: Product Designer
Duration: 1 month
Client: Dextra Assosiation

I have had the opportunity to work in one of the biggest tech media. My work involved creating photo-realistic renders of future models of the most renowned smartphone series, including Apple, Samsung, and Xiaomi. My models not only feature perfect visual symmetric and harmony with edge-to-edge displays, but also implement new technology such as under-screen and pop-up camera.
My concepts have been featured on multiple global tech media websites and blogs, making an impact on the industry.
Role: Concept Designer
Duration: 5 months
Client: AiKakProsto
Future Visual Scheme
Concepts of Smartphones

«Bob in Kyrgyzstan»
My first animated short film which I sent to Film Festival. The animating and editing process took short amount of time: one week. The idea of the movie was to show culture of my country in short amount of time. The main character along with the viewers discover new places and traditions
Year of issue: 2017
Plot: The main character Bob, tired of the ordinary monotonous life, goes on a trip to Kyrgyzstan. Here he goes to various natural attractions, learns the culture and nourishes himself with local cuisine.
Award: the cartoon became a finalist in the KAREK Youth Film Festival in the nomination for Best Short Animated Film
«To The End»
The second short film was developed more professionally and took a decent amount of time to produce. The topic and message of the plot became more serious and addressed domestic violence and teenage suicide. The palette of the movie was selected as black&white to give a proper emotional experience to the viewer
Year of issue: 2018
Plot: The main character Almaz lost his sister, but his parents are too busy with domestic disputes, so he decides to search for her. Meeting different people along the way, in the end, he finds a universal solution to all problems.
"The Best Animated Short Film in 2018 - Karek National Fest"
"For Emotional Impact - KinoClick Fest"
"The Best Short Film in CIS - KSKF International Fest"

«Not our problems»
My latest work in animation. This time I wanted to focus on more global problems, such as air pollution and global warming. In this project, I hired a voice actor for the first time as the voice for the main character.
Year of issue: 2019
Voice actor: Alexander Filippov
Plot: The dove escapes from its native forest because of a fire and in an attempt to find a new home, it also wants to find a problem for all global and environmental problems of the Earth. Eventually, he saves the planet from human negligence and indifference.
Award: The Best Animated Film in the KAREK film fest. The prize was a new CANON camera and monetary reward.